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Результаты 1 по 19 из 19
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022The concept of graphics support for scientific events: a case study of the All-Russian scientific conference "St.Petersburg University Science 2022"Бавина Анастасия Александровна; Bavina Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2021Design of the artbook "In Watermelon sugar" based on the novel by Richard BrautiganСиразетдинов Тимур Рустэмович; Sirazetdinov Timur Rustemovic
2021Design of the artbook based on the novel "Dictionary of the Khazars" by Milorad PavićСоколова Анна Дмитриевна; Sokolova Anna Dmitrievna
2021Designing a printed editionПарилова Екатерина Ринатовна; Parilova Ekaterina Rinatovna
2021Designing a visual code for a morning format television programmeВасильев Егор Леонидович; Vasilev Egor Leonidovic
2022Designing and graphics support for sports equipmentОгнева Варвара Антоновна; Ogneva Varvara Antonovna
2023Developing custom design graphics for the Mariinsky TheatreМихайлова Кристина; Mihajlova Kristina
2022Developing the multimedia support concept for a festive event: a case study of the 300th anniversary of St.Petersburg UniversityСтрепитова Дерья Мехмедовна; Strepitova Dera Mehmedovna
2023Editorial design for a publication on the theory of early photography: a case study of Ekaterina Vasilyeva monograph "The city and the shadow"Филиппова Мария Константиновна; Filippova Maria Konstantinovna
2023Generative systems in communication designСиразетдинов Тимур Рустэмович; Sirazetdinov Timur Rustemovic
2019Graphics support for the international student festival of social advertising and journalism "Media Fest HUMANI FUTURE"Макарова Марина Дмитриевна; Makarova Marina Dmitrievna
2023Integrated design and graphics support for a new brand: a case study of Chinese vodkaЦзя Цзыюй; Cza Czyuj
2019Integrated graphics support for the "Graphic Design" academic programme of St Petersburg University at international eventsДрунченко Лариса Вадимовна; Druncenko Larisa Vadimovna
PROEKT_afisa_rezisser_fokin.png.jpg2021Interactive design systems in the theatre space: principles and methods of developmentЮгай Екатерина Анатольевна; Ugaj Ekaterina Anatolevna
2022New forms of visual communication in high traffic areas: a case study of Pulkovo airportБрагина Екатерина Александровна; Bragina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2022Supergraphics in sports interiorsСалех Мохаммед Тарек Мохаммед; Saleh Mohammed Tarek Mohammed
2022Supergraphics in the urban environmentАль-Сабри Мужахед Абдулрахман Мохаммед Косем; AlSabri Muzahed Abdulrahman Mohammed Kosem
2021The visual identity of designer Rei Kawakubo`s "Art of the in-Between" clothing collectionКим Ксения Юрьевна; Kim Ksenia Urevna
2022Website designing for teaching methods of graphic design at St.Petersburg UniversityМартынова Марта Сергеевна; Martynova Marta Sergeevna