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Результаты 1 по 14 из 14
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2023The application of a complex of logging methods to assess the parameters of productive reservoirs of an oil and gas condensate field (Western Yakutia)Федосова Анастасия Александровна; Fedosova Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2022Determination of reservoir parameters of the Kulginskoe oil and gas condensate field using data of the complex of well logging methodsТеслин Иван Дмитриевич; Teslin Ivan Dmitrievic
2022Determination of reservoir properties of the Ety’-Purovskoe oil and gas condensate field using data of the complex of well logging methodsФурсов Николай Юрьевич; Fursov Nikolaj Urevic
2022Estimation of productive reservoir parameters of the Taylakovskoe oil and gas field using data of the complex of well logging methodsБузмаков Егор Александрович; Buzmakov Egor Aleksandrovic
2021The estimation of productive reservoirs' parameters in the Krasnoleninsky oil and gas condensate field (Talinskaya area) using logging methods dataМарисова Виктория Вадимовна; Marisova Viktoria Vadimovna
2021Logging methods used for assessing the reservoir parameters of the Ust-Tegusskoye oil field, the Tyumen regionТынянко Роман Вячеславович; Tynanko Roman Vaceslavovic
2022The reservoir parameters of the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field, inferred from a set of logging methodsНиазян Алина Аревшатовна; Niazan Alina Arevsatovna
2022A set of logging methods applied for assessing the parameters of productive reservoirs of the Ust-Tegusskoye oil field, the Tyumen regionАфонасенко Сергей Алексеевич; Afonasenko Sergej Alekseevic
2019A simulation of electromagnetic field anomalies in monitoring hydraulic fracturing of the Bazhenov formationПопов Данила Денисович; Popov Danila Denisovic
2020A study of productive reservoirs in the Em-Yogovskaya area of the Krasnoleninskoe oil and gas condensate field by the logging techniques dataПустохин Максим Денисович; Pustohin Maksim Denisovic
2021The study of the geological structure of the perspective ore-bearing area in the Northern Karelia based on audiomagnetotelluric sounding dataПопов Данила Денисович; Popov Danila Denisovic
2019A study of the structure and allocation of gold-bearing zones in the Maletoyvayamscoe ore field using radio magnetotelluric sounding (pen. Kamchatka)Шалюто Никита Сергеевич; Saluto Nikita Sergeevic
2020The use of the controlled source radiomagnetotelluric sounding in the study of water passages during the construction of linear objects: a case study of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous DistrictПокрамович Владимир Александрович; Pokramovic Vladimir Aleksandrovic
2022Validating a suite of logging methods to study productive reservoirs of the Peschanoozersky oil and gas condensate field (Kolguev Island)Пустохин Максим Денисович; Pustohin Maksim Denisovic