Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Pankova Galina Konstаntinovnа

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Результаты 1 по 11 из 11
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Anticrisis PR in IT companiesИонова Надежда Сергеевна; Ionova Nadezhda
2017Communication aspects of a market subject's business reputation building in the B2B segmentБоднарь Жанна Владимировна; Bodnar Zhanna
2017Communication management at an international software development companyЛактюшина Ольга Геннадьевна; Laktyushina Olga
2018Communication technologies of the performing arts promotion among youthПриходько Александра Игоревна; Prikhodko Aleksandra
2017A construction company's image building in mediaЛевушкина Ирина Львовна; Levushkina Irina
2018Corporate social responsibility as a resource of a company's image: A case study of IKEAМагай Янина Андреевна; Magai Ianina
2018Digital storytelling in the practice of memorial apartment museumsВасильева Полина Олеговна; Vasilyeva Polina
2017Image development and promotion: A case study of the Prosvet charity project for prisoners' adaptationБякова Алина Александровна; Biakova Alina
2018PR technologies in the building and maintenance of a low-cost airline's image in RussiaЧугаев Даниил Игоревич; Chugaev Daniil
2017Social projects for youth in communication practices of Russia and Germany businessesЧемко Дина Сергеевна; Chemko Dina
2017Technologies of university educational programs promotion:A comparative analysis of Charles University and SPBU practicesХуторянская Дарья Константиновна; Khutoryanskaya Daria