Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Lacininskij Stanislav Sergeevic

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2024Assessing the quality of the urban environment of housing construction areas: a case study of alluvial territories of Vasilyevsky Island in St PetersburgДегода Евгения Игоревна; Degoda Evgenia Igorevna
2023The assessment of the attractiveness of St Petersburg's available lands for housing constructionКурохтин Игорь Владимирович; Kurohtin Igor Vladimirovic
2023The assessment of the urban environment quality of the Liteyny Okrug municipality in St PetersburgАлферов Александр Сергеевич; Alferov Aleksandr Sergeevic
2019Comparative study of investment potential of administrative districts in the Leningrad regionЕременко Сергей Александрович; Eremenko Sergej Aleksandrovic
2020The current state and development prospects of the shipbuilding industry in the Northwestern Federal DistrictВасильева Влада Александровна; Vasileva Vlada Aleksandrovna
2024The dynamics of the socio-economic development of the Stavropol Territory towns in modern timesРябчук Даниил Андреевич; Rabcuk Daniil Andreevic
2021The economic and geographical assessment of the urban environment quality: a case study of the municipality Vladimirsky Okrug in St PetersburgРудаков Никита Константинович; Rudakov Nikita Konstantinovic
2024The economic and geographical peculiarities of developing Greater Vladivostok in the context of the regional policy of the Russian Federation over the period 2000-2023Дорофеев Семён Дмитриевич; Dorofeev Semen Dmitrievic
2022Economic and geographical typology of the Russian Federation regions based on the population's standard of living and their economic specialisationПетухова Надежда Константиновна; Petuhova Nadezda Konstantinovna
2022The genesis and dynamics of state boundary changes between China and India in the 20th and 21st centuries: a comprehensive political and geographical studyЛарионова Светлана Валерьевна; Larionova Svetlana Valerevna
2023The geographical aspects of the fiscal-budgetary inequality of St Petersburg municipalitiesРудаков Никита Константинович; Rudakov Nikita Konstantinovic
2022Geography of regional civil aviation in RussiaЛундин Владислав Сергеевич; Lundin Vladislav Sergeevic
2023A housing construction as a factor in transformation of urban space in St PetersburgБорискин Артём Дмитриевич; Boriskin Artem Dmitrievic
2021The influence of social infrastructure availability on pricing on the residential real estate market of St PetersburgДидковская Анастасия; Didkovskaa Anastasia
2022The location and arrangement of fitness services in St PetersburgЛомако Евгений Федорович; Lomako Evgenij Fedorovic
2024The location of bookstores in St PetersburgНеустроева Анастасия Рудольфовна; Neustroeva Anastasia Rudolfovna
2024The location of pick-up points in St PetersburgХачикян Марина Шираковна; Hacikan Marina Sirakovna
2023The models and problems of integrated territorial development projects in the largest cities of Russia: a case study of the Chekushi neighbourhood, St PetersburgЛихачева Арина Евгеньевна; Lihaceva Arina Evgenevna
2024The modern spatial and planning structure of the Cheboksary agglomerationЯруткина Ирина Михайловна; Arutkina Irina Mihajlovna
2022Moving towards sustainable socio-economic development of urban districts in the Republic of BashkortostanАбрамова Ксения Евгеньевна; Abramova Ksenia Evgenevna