Browsing by Author Korhov Vladimir Vladislavovic

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Adaptation of consensus and ecosystem for the Crowdfunding.BGX frameworkГлушков Егор Александрович; Gluskov Egor Aleksandrovic
2020Adapting the BGX framework for consensus of a horizontally integrated structureТимофеев Александр Валентинович; Timofeev Aleksandr Valentinovic
2022Analysis of streaming protocols and media servers during online conferencesЖаворонков Владислав Олегович; Zavoronkov Vladislav Olegovic
2019Application of distributed ledger technology for monitoring origin and ownership of assetsБерлина Анастасия Владимировна; Berlina Anastasia Vladimirovna
2019Application of machine learning algorithms to industrial designГоликов Матвей Алексеевич; Golikov Matvej Alekseevic
2021Application of machine learning methods in the problem of determining the level of risks during pregnancyГоловина Светлана Владимировна; Golovina Svetlana Vladimirovna
2020The automation of transaction formation and private keys holding technology in the blockchainГрехнев Егор Олегович; Grehnev Egor Olegovic
2023Designing data processing process management service on SPD Online filter specialised distributed computing systemПономарев Евгений Владимирович; Ponomarev Evgenij Vladimirovic
2021Determining human body size from images using neural networksЕлькина Анна Александровна; Elkina Anna Aleksandrovna
2022Development and implementation of a Linux kernel module for efficient memory allocation of small objectsБадмаев Ананда Аюрович; Badmaev Ananda Aurovic
2022Development of a backend service for employee hiring and training via multi-module architectureНеумоина Елизавета Петровна; Neumoina Elizaveta Petrovna
2020Development of a blockchain network for testing an economic modelКарпий Павел Евгеньевич; Karpij Pavel Evgenevic
2021Development of a contour sequencing algorithmРущенко Влада Владиславовна; Rusenko Vlada Vladislavovna
2020Development of a software module for assessing the risks of financial transactionsМаркин Станислав Витальевич; Markin Stanislav Vitalevic
2020Development of highly loaded service for event processing and reaction generation in taxi application with microservice architectureАбдуллин Дамир Назирович; Abdullin Damir Nazirovic
2019Implementation of commodity exchange system based on distributed ledger technologyМаксудян Людмила Ареговна; Maksudan Ludmila Aregovna
2021Implementation of the cross-blockchain interacting protocolЦепелева Рита Вячеславовна; Cepeleva Rita Vaceslavovna
2022Interactive road accident map of St. PetersburgБельков Роман Андреевич; Belkov Roman Andreevic
2022Investigation of authentication methods in distributed environmentМатюшин Юрий Сергеевич; Matusin Urij Sergeevic
2021Modelling and optimisation of the message distribution algorithm in peer-to-peer blockchain NEO networkШалева Анна Сергеевна; Saleva Anna Sergeevna