Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Kokuskina Irina Vladimirovna

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Результаты 1 по 7 из 7
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021China's Belt and Road Initiative: Development and implementationАбдураманова Диана Ренатовна; Abduramanova Diana Renatovna
2021The green sector of the economy of the Republic of Korea: Formation and developmentМорозова Полина Александровна; Morozova Polina Aleksandrovna
2022The role of the Republic of Korea in the world economy and international relations in the 20th - 21st centuries: Characteristics, problems, and prospectsФаттахов Джаудат Хамитович; Fattahov Dzaudat Hamitovic
2022The role of Turkic countries in the world economy and international economic relations in the early 21st centuryОруджов Магамед Джейхун; Orudzov Magamed Dzejhun
2022Russian-Japanese cooperation in the energy sector: The evolution of relations, current state, problems and prospectsБеломоин Владислав Альфредович; Belomoin Vladislav Alfredovic
2021Turkey's cooperation with African countries: Regional characteristicsВасильева Яна Сергеевна; Vasileva Ana Sergeevna
2023World gas market: modern geopolitical and geo-economic problems of natural gas tradingХрепков Андрей Вадимович; Hrepkov Andrej Vadimovic