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Результаты 1 по 10 из 10
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2017Argentina–Russia relations in the field of education in the 21st centuryФилозафович Виталий Дмитриевич; Filozafovich Vitaliy
2018The evolution of Latin American policy of Canada: 1968-2018Квардаков Станислав Владимирович; Kvardakov Stanislav
reviewSV_recenziya-davletbaeva.jpg.jpg2018Experience in the formation and development of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC): 2010-2018Давлетбаева Диана Булатовна; Davletbaeva Diana
reviewSV_recenziya-shestopalov4.jpg.jpg2017The hardline-policy of the Latin American states to combat drug trafficking from 1999 till 2016Шестопалов Михаил Вячеславович; Shestopalov Mikhail
reviewSV_recenziya-konovalova4.jpg.jpg2017National security policy of Paraguay after Alfredo Stroessner's dictatorshipКоновалова Ксения Александровна; Konovalova Ksenia
2017The Nicaraguan canal project in the international contextИсаев Анар Октаевич; Isaev Anar
2018The phenomenon of Puerto Rican statehood: Formation and development of the political system of the 'Free state of Puerto Rico (1952-2017)Гречина Ксения Михайловна; Grechina Ksenia
2017Political and economic crisis in Venezuela (2013–2017)Селищева Юлия Александровна; Selishcheva Iuliia
2018Problems of regional integration in Latin America: A case study of MERCOSURЕрмоленко Артем Александрович; Ermolenko Artem
2017The way to peace in ColombiaГончаренко Анастасия Игоревна; Goncharenko Anastasiia