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2021Development of warehousing activities in order to provide materials for Etalon company group construction sitesРыбнов Алексей Евгеньевич; Rybnov Aleksej Evgenevic
2022Economic Development Factors Measurement and Comparative Analysis of Air CarriersГоршунов Александр Дмитриевич; Gorsunov Aleksandr Dmitrievic
2020Estimation and comparative analysis of technical efficiency of territorial grid companies from PJSC "RusHydro" and PJSC "Rosseti"Митин Никита Владимирович; Mitin Nikita Vladimirovic
2020Evaluation of airline companies' innovational activity as a factor of its' economical developmentГуркова Марина Дмитриевна; Gurkova Marina Dmitrievna
2021Identification of directions for mastering the restaurant's performance on the basis of technical efficiency measurementsСоловьева Екатерина Александровна; Soloveva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2022Identifying and Improving Supply Chain Business Processes at UnileverКаминский Семен Сергеевич; Kaminskij Semen Sergeevic
2021Improvement of the management practices of warehouse activities in UnileverФишер Софья Эдуардовна; Fiser Sofa Eduardovna
2021Improvement of the sales management process of logistics services in Sea Lines companyТомашевская Дарья Викторовна; Tomasevskaa Dara Viktorovna
2021Improvement of transport navigation for "Unilever"Ренжин Даниил Алексеевич; Renzin Daniil Alekseevic
2023Improvement of Warehouse and Transport Business Processes of Logistics in "AsstrA" CompanyЗюряев Андрей Александрович; Zuraev Andrej Aleksandrovic
2020Improving the management of regional consolidated deliveries of General Cargo Limited Liability CompanyЖуравлёв Никита Алексеевич; Zuravlev Nikita Alekseevic
2023Improving the Operational Efficiency of Yandex.Delivery on the Example of Sosnoviy BorУльянова Мария Дмитриевна; Ulanova Maria Dmitrievna
2022Improving the Supply Management of Products of the International Engineering Company XХадчукаев Асвад Тимурович; Hadcukaev Asvad Timurovic
2021Improving warehouse management of "Chagoda Glassworks and Co." companyГвичия Гия Гиаевич; Gvicia Gia Giaevic
2022Integrated Operations Management on the Basis of Dashboards: a Case Study of the Seaport of St. PetersburgКураленков Павел Вячеславович; Kuralenkov Pavel Vaceslavovic
2023The Main Directions of Business Development of LLC «Region 42» in Brief-Medium TermПриходько Иван Александрович; Prihodko Ivan Aleksandrovic
2021Mitigating flight delays caused by air traffic for Pulkovo airportБойко Дмитрий Вадимович; Bojko Dmitrij Vadimovic
2021Modeling business processes of warehouse activities in the JIT system of the company "Faurecia"Лещев Елисей Дмитриевич; Lesev Elisej Dmitrievic
2020Reducing working capital costs in a coordinated supply chain using financing toolsКлищенко Диана Андреевна; Klisenko Diana Andreevna
2022Routing Vehicles for the Delivery of Products of the X CompanyАлександров Никита Ленарович; Aleksandrov Nikita Lenarovic