Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Ivannikov Igor Vlаdimirovich

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Результаты 1 по 7 из 7
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The failure of French multiculturalism as a migration policy crisisКонстантинова Анастасия Алексеевна; Konstantinova Anastasia
2017Key lines of the cultural cooperation between Russia and France (2007-2017)Шафикова Валерия Артуровна; Shafikova Valeriia
2017The migration crisis as the key influence on the results of 2017 presidential elections in FranceСыровацкая Анастасия Владиславовна; Syrovatckaia Anastasiia
2017The results of Fraҫois Hollande's presidency: The balance of the promised and the fulfilledЮркина Ксения Игоревна; Iurkina Kseniia
2017The stance of major French political parties on Russia–France relationsМалыхин Сергей Андреевич; Malykhin Sergey
2017The transformation of the political discourse of French right forces in 2012–2017: From moderate manipulation to intimidationКоврижных Ульяна Сергеевна; Kovrizhnykh Uliana
2017Youth extremism in France as a part of the migration crisis in EuropeФедурина Анастасия Анатольевна; Fedurina Anastasiia