Browsing by Author Griskin Valerij Mihajlovic

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 39  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Agricultural areas monitoring using satellite imagesТрушов Константин Андреевич; Trusov Konstantin Andreevic
2020Analysis of dynamic processes using high resolution satellite image segmentation methodsСальникова Мария Владимировна; Salnikova Maria Vladimirovna
2020Application of artificial neural networks in image recognition tasksСабреков Артём Азатович; Sabrekov Artem Azatovic
2020Audio data analysis and event recognition for security systemsДоржиев Зоригто Жаргалович; Dorziev Zorigto Zargalovic
2019Automated generation of handwritten textsКудринская Ксения Вадимовна; Kudrinskaa Ksenia Vadimovna
2021Brain tumor recognition from MRI imagesБеккерман Анна Александровна; Bekkerman Anna Aleksandrovna
2021Breast cancer detection using neural networksСокол Милена Денисовна; Sokol Milena Denisovna
2019Construction of а three-dimensional face model by а set of imagesБарабанова Татьяна Александровна; Barabanova Tatana Aleksandrovna
2019Deep neural networks application to tracking problem for the GEM detector from the BM@N experiment of the NICA megaprojectЩавелев Егор Михайлович; Savelev Egor Mihajlovic
2020Detection of the subtitles in the video streamПлешканов Никита Вячеславович; Pleskanov Nikita Vaceslavovic
2021Determination of log end sizes using stereo reconstruction and neural networkИнишева Дарья Олеговна; Iniseva Dara Olegovna
reviewSV_Otzyv_Saleva.jpg.jpg2019The development of a system for human-machine interaction thru fragments of oral Russian-language speechШалева Анна Сергеевна; Saleva Anna Sergeevna
reviewSV_Otzyv_Malevannyj.jpg.jpg2019Development of technology for modeling the interaction of distributed registries and applications using containerization platformМалеванный Даниил Михайлович; Malevannyj Daniil Mihajlovic
reviewSV_Otzyv_Tarasenko.jpg.jpg2019Evaluation and dstribution of bonus points in the compilation the route in orienteeringТарасенко Любовь Владимировна; Tarasenko Lubov Vladimirovna
2020Face detection and count in an imageГаврилова Александра Николаевна; Gavrilova Aleksandra Nikolaevna
2022Face recognition with occlusionТимофеев Александр Валентинович; Timofeev Aleksandr Valentinovic
2022Generative adversarial networks optimisationМитрофанов Егор Владимирович; Mitrofanov Egor Vladimirovic
2023Icebergs and ships monitoring using satellite imagesСермягин Никита Владимирович; Sermagin Nikita Vladimirovic
2020The implementation of the browser plug-in to search for phishing sites by circumstantial evidenceМартынюк Роман Анатольевич; Martynuk Roman Anatolevic
2021Indoor location detection using wireless technologiesШишкин Валентин Евгеньевич; Siskin Valentin Evgenevic