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Результаты 1 по 15 из 15
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Brexit and the immigration policies of the UK, France, and ItalyМихайлова Анна Викторовна; Mikhaylova Anna
2017A comparative analysis of the policies of Margaret Thatcher and Theresa MayДемина Алина Евгеньевна; Demina Alina
2017Current issues in the economic migration to the European Union member countries: A case study of Spain and FranceМагомедова Аида Назировна; Magomedova Aida
2017Current issues in the formation of British national identityМихайлова Елена Дмитриевна; Mikhailova Elena
2017The European Union and the development of Spanish statehoodФедосеева Ксения Станиславовна; Fedoseeva Ksenia
reviewSV_Serbin_D_A__mag_rec.jpg.jpg2017The European Union in addressing the European ethno-political conflicts: Challenges and prospectsСербин Дмитрий Александрович; Serbin Dmitrii
2018External activities of European ethno-national regions: Challenges and prospects of Scotland, Catalonia and FlandersКагриманян Алексан Сергеевич; Kagrimanyan Aleksan
2018The integration of the Muslims communities in modern FranceПлотникова Мария Ивановна; Plotnikova Mariia
2017Intercultural relations in public diplomacy as a tool for the formation of Azerbaijan's soft powerАбдуллазаде Наиль Руфат оглы; Abdullazade Nail
2018The pattern of diplomatic settlement of Greco-Turkish territorial conflict in the Republic of Cyprus: 1974-2018Благодир Галина-Евгения Константиновна; Blagodir Galina-Evgeniia
reviewSV_Recenziya_na_Filipovich2.jpeg.jpg2018Position of major right-wing parties of Eastern Europe and Nordic countries towards EU, NATO and RussiaФилипович Алекса; Filipovic Aleksa
reviewSV_Grishechkin_I_I__mag_rec.jpg.jpg2017The right to self-determination in the context of European ethnopolitical conflictsГришечкин Иван Ильич; Grishechkin Ivan
2017The role of Saint-Petersburg’s partnership with Hamburg and Dresden in Russian-German relationsБеляева Ольга Михайловна; Beliaeva Olga
reviewSV_Vanij_Dabal_mag_rec.jpg.jpg2017Russian and European policies towards neighbouring countries: A comparative analysisДабаль Ваний Катрин Патрисия; Dabal Vanille Catrine Patricia
reviewSV_IMG_0632.PNG.jpg2017Separatism in Europe: Challenges and prospects (evidence from Spain and the UK)Зозуля Анастасия Валерьевна; Zozulya Anastasia