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Результаты 1 по 13 из 13
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020Creation of effective algorithms of hydrodynamics using OpenGLГусев Данила Андреевич; Gusev Danila Andreevic
2023Designing an agent application for the specialized distributed computing system SPD Online filterРоманычев Леонид Романович; Romanycev Leonid Romanovic
2022Development and implementation of a Linux kernel module for efficient memory allocation of small objectsБадмаев Ананда Аюрович; Badmaev Ananda Aurovic
2019Development of a system for analysis pedestrians trajectories from video surveillance cameras sources using artificial intelligence methodsЕгорова Екатерина Романовна; Egorova Ekaterina Romanovna
2021Development of the local tracking system in collider experiments using deep learning methodsНикольская Анастасия Николаевна; Nikolskaa Anastasia Nikolaevna
2019Development of the multithreading support system for Global Neutrino Analysis frameworkФатькина Анна Игоревна; Fatkina Anna Igorevna
2021Investigating the method of equilibrium landing parameters assessment using ship motion simulationЕгоров Денис Александрович; Egorov Denis Aleksandrovic
2020Optimisation of "Schrodinger smoke" modeling method implementation using GPGPU computing technologyГлазырин Антон Георгиевич; Glazyrin Anton Georgievic
2019Optimisation of the Schrödinger smoke model with regard to viscosity for computation on massively parallel architecturesЯшникова Анастасия Павловна; Asnikova Anastasia Pavlovna
2019Real-time ship motion simulations using general purpose GPU computationsПетряков Иван Владимирович; Petrakov Ivan Vladimirovic
2019Restoration of a three-dimensional model of an archaeological monument buildings based on cameral research materialsПлаксин Вадим Александрович; Plaksin Vadim Aleksandrovic
2021Solving the problem of monitoring the state of deep-sea animals and plants using neural network technologiesПавлова Екатерина Денисовна; Pavlova Ekaterina Denisovna
2021Use of machine learning methods for data analysis in a complex biomedical systemБелавин Сергей Андреевич; Belavin Sergej Andreevic