Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Bodrunova Svetlana Sergeevnа

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Результаты 1 по 13 из 13
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Brand journalism as a method of mass media promotionСултанбекова Зарема Артуровна; Sultanbekova Zarema
2017The editorial process of creating infographics in Russian business publicationsВалиева Анна Анесовна; Valieva Anna
2017Modern media and media circuits of students in Russia and ItalyЛапшов Егор Анатольевич; Lapshov Egor
2017Nation branding in the aftermath of an armed conflict: the case of ChechnyaПиньи Джованни; Pigni Giovanni
2018Principles of readers' choice of business portals' paid content: A case study of the Delovoy Peterburg newspaperЖданова Татьяна Дмитриевна; Zhdanova Tatiana
2017The reaction of national media audiences on the terrorist attacks in Paris: A frame analysis of users' commentaries in the qualitative press of France, Russia, the USA and Great BritainДиасамидзе Ангелина Роиновна; Diasamidze Angelina
2018The role of fake news in modern media communicationСоболь Ярославна Ильинична; Sobol Yaroslavna
2017The role of photo journalism in coverage of radical political movementsДудина Анастасия Николаевна; Dudina Anastasia
2017Russia beyond the Italian headlines: Political polarization in news coverage of Russia in the Italian mediaД Алессандро Мария Микела; D'Alessandro Maria Michela
2017Special project as an instrument of social marketingКомова Александра Денисовна; Polukeeva Aleksandra
2018Strategies of mass media content adaptation for the TelegramПарфёнова Валерия Владимировна; Parfenova Valeriia
2018Transformation of the post-Soviet media management modelСатановский Сергей Владиславович; Satanovskii Sergei
2018Viral content in the American and Russian media systemsЦаплина Дарья Андреевна; Tcaplina Daria