Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Blekanov Ivan Stanislavovic

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Application of artificial neural networks in music generation problemsСалихов Марат Ахатович; Salihov Marat Ahatovic
2021Application of machine learning methods in the problem of aggregating news articlesЦимбалов Андрей Евгеньевич; Cimbalov Andrej Evgenevic
2021Automatic creation of video presentation from textБеляков Юрий Дмитриевич; Belakov Urij Dmitrievic
2020Automation of process of mining and analysis of online course students activity dataОрлов Антон Сергеевич; Orlov Anton Sergeevic
2019Bayesian reinforcement learning for content recommendationsОмаров Руслан Зулфигарович; Omarov Ruslan Zulfigarovic
2020Calibration of recommendation systems. Search for heterogeneous effect and atypical users for content recommendation tasksБельков Роман Андреевич; Belkov Roman Andreevic
2024Client side development of digital twin for computer support of precision agriculture tasksВоробьёв Владислав Валерьевич; Vorobev Vladislav Valerevic
2021Code completion using neural language modelsАксенова Мария Владимировна; Aksenova Maria Vladimirovna
2020Comparison of neural network architectures in the human figure segmentation problemЕжов Федор Валерьевич; Ezov Fedor Valerevic
2022Detecting defects in oil pipelines based on in-line inspection dataКоваленко Лев Алексеевич; Kovalenko Lev Alekseevic
2022Detection of crypto-ransomware based on static and dynamic analysis using machine learning methodsРиттер Герман Андреевич; Ritter German Andreevic
2024Development of a robot on the base of multi-sensor synthesis for artifact collection in precision agricultureЧжан Цзя; Czan Cza
2021Development of a system for automated collection and data processing for machine learningИгнатьев Денис Игоревич; Ignatev Denis Igorevic
2023Development of a web service for visualization and processing of geospatial agroecological dataБусел Владислав Дмитриевич; Busel Vladislav Dmitrievic
2020Development of methods for intellectual analysis of data on resorts preferences of Instagram usersХачатрян Григор Гагикович; Hacatran Grigor Gagikovic
2024Development of neural network methods and mobile tools for assessing the quality of interior finishing worksМупанесуре Такудзва; Mupanesure Takudzva
2024Development of neural network methods for segmentation of diseases of cultivated plants by multispectral images in precision agricultureНикитин Александр Викторович; Nikitin Aleksandr Viktorovic
2020The development of the remote compilation sstemГорелов Борис Романович; Gorelov Boris Romanovic
2022Development of web-oriented analytical system for processing medical research dataТопузов Эдем Русланович; Topuzov Edem Ruslanovic
2020Dog breed recognition using convolutional neural networksДусмухамбетов Айдар Александрович; Dusmuhambetov Ajdar Aleksandrovic