Browsing by Author Толстова Александра Андреевна

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Art Villa: A concept for adapting Ainola Villa in the town of Zelenogorsk to a museum centreШаврина Дарья; Savrina Dara
2022Cluster approach to development of a tourist destination based on Onezhskoye Pomorye National ParkМельникова Эльмира Фаридовна; Melnikova Elmira Faridovna
2023Concept for a geopark at the Vladimir Amalitskii excavation site in the context of the participatory approach strategyЛитвин Полина Викторовна; Litvin Polina Viktorovna
2021The concept for developing an urban agrarian landscape in the area of the Shuangdong River, Sichuan Province, ChinaЦзи Юйцэ; Czi Ujce
2023Concept for the development of tourist and recreational coastal areas in the city of Aden, the Republic of YemenАль Абси Гхади Абдулвахаб Абдулраб Али; Al Absi Ghadi Abdulvahab Abdulrab Ali
2017The concept of recreational development of a coastal area: A case study of the centre of yachting and water tourism in the town of LomonosovАгапова Ирина Игоревна; Agapova Irina
2022A concept of tourist and recreational areas development along Lakhtinsky Prospect in the Primorsky District of St.PetersburgЧжан Вэйчжэнь; Czan Vejczen
2022Design concept for identity identification of the urban environment of the historic settlement: a case study of ShlisselburgСафина Сабина Артуровна; Safina Sabina Arturovna
2017Development concept of the historical shipbuilding centre as a part of "Motor Boating Cooperative No 1"Монич Любовь Витальевна; Monich Liubov
2017The environment-forming potential of the Moscow-Beijing high-speed railwayПаморзина Наталья Валерьевна; Pamorzina Natalia
2021Event framework as a tool for developing the territory: a case study of the town of Kem, the Republic of KareliaКовтун Анастасия Юрьевна; Kovtun Anastasia Urevna
2021Identifying urban identity using environmental design tools: a case study of the town of Tarko-SaleЗаложук Мария Вадимовна; Zalozuk Maria Vadimovna
2018An integrated approach to developing a new quality of the coastal areas in the town of LomonosovРоманенко Ирина Романовна; Romanenko Irina
2019An integrated project for a Marina in the Kurortny District of St Petersburg (the town of Zelenogorsk)Кулибаба Алеся Владимировна; Kulibaba Alesa Vladimirovna
2019An integrated project for a Marina in the Kurortny District of St Petersburg (the town of Zelenogorsk)Агафонова Елизавета Юрьевна; Agafonova Elizaveta Urevna
2021The project concept for a family recreation and health complex in the municipal settlement of Komarovo, Kurortny District of St PetersburgСклярова Юлия Игоревна; Sklarova Ulia Igorevna
2018Proposals for the comprehensive modernisation of the environment of the Museum of Military Medicine (2 Lazaretnyi pereulok, St.Petersburg)Базуев Василий Денисович; Bazuev Vasilii
2018Proposals for the restoration and adaptation of the industrial complex "Krasnaia Bavaria" (9B Petrovsky pr., St.Petersburg)Морозова Наталья Александровна; Morozova Natalia
2022The sports and health centre in the village of Repino, St.PetersburgСметанина Ксения Сергеевна; Smetanina Ksenia Sergeevna