Browsing by Author Солодов Алексей Анатольевич

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021The analysis of urban growth in the Baltic region using remote sensing data and GIS technologiesКаган Михаил Борисович; Kagan Mihail Borisovic
2019Applicability of singular value decomposition method for brightness level in classification of digital spectral and hyperspectral imagesКохановский Виталий Алексеевич; Kohanovskij Vitalij Alekseevic
2022Atlas mapping for career-guidance and education purposes: issues and solutionsАкименко Арина Васильевна; Akimenko Arina Vasilevna
2023The compilation of natural and cultural heritage map series for administrative centres of the Leningrad region districtsОбразцов Петр Андреевич; Obrazcov Petr Andreevic
2023Remote sensing and geographic information technologies applied to study the growth of cities and agglomerationsКаган Михаил Борисович; Kagan Mihail Borisovic
2023Remote sensing data and geographic information systems in operation of specially protected natural areasПесня Екатерина Игоревна; Pesna Ekaterina Igorevna
2022Remote sensing data and geoinformation technologies applied to produce a map series of anthropogenic disturbances in Leningrad RegionЛобанова Лидия Сергеевна; Lobanova Lidia Sergeevna
2021A study of regional and global environmental changes using satellite imagery dataГумеров Айдар Флоритович; Gumerov Ajdar Floritovic