Browsing by Author Пряхина Галина Валентиновна

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020The analysis of the impact of changes in the forest cover of river basins on a stream runoffУкис Андрей Айварович; Ukis Andrej Ajvarovic
2023The assessment and prediction of ice conditions under current climatic conditions: a case study of the Yenisei River and its tributariesЗемилова Мария Игоревна; Zemilova Maria Igorevna
2018An assessment of reservoir outflow impact on downstream tributary tail watersИванин Владимир Игоревич; Ivanin Vladimir
2019Assessment of the flooded area as a result of the destruction of earth damsКильдибеков Евгений Сергеевич; Kildibekov Evgenij Sergeevic
2022The calculation of the flow of small rivers: a case study of the Osuga riverПарфенов Евгений Александрович; Parfenov Evgenij Aleksandrovic
2021DBMS (Darabase Management System) development: a case study of field investigations by the Institute of Earth Sciences, St Petersburg State University in lake-glacial complexes of the Antarctic oases and the Altai regionАкилов Евгений Вячеславович; Akilov Evgenij Vaceslavovic
2023The dynamics of periglacial lakes in the south-eastern AltaiАрхипов Данил Эдуардович; Arhipov Danil Eduardovic
2023The estimation of the formation time of potential glacial lakes: a case study of the Mongun-Taiga mountain massifГрига Семен Алексеевич; Griga Semen Alekseevic
2023The estimation of the snow height spatial and statistical structure for the avalanche risk assessment: a case study of the Khibiny mountainsМихайленко Никита Олегович; Mihajlenko Nikita Olegovic
2021The filtration impact on the resistance of a groundwater dam to faliureСвирепов Степан Сергеевич; Svirepov Stepan Sergeevic
2022Monitoring dangerous meteorological phenomena on the territory of the Belgorod regionРыженкова Ирина Витальевна; Ryzenkova Irina Vitalevna
2022The spatial hydrogeochemical GIS analysis of the river estuary: a case study of the Lena deltaУбович Станка; Ubovic Stanka