Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Ногина Оксана Аркадьевна

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Результаты 1 по 13 из 13
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The concept and characteristics of profit tax expenseБеляева Дарья Владимировна; Beliaeva Daria
2019Issues of legal regulation of price correction in calculation of taxable income of controlled transactionsВоронцова Алена Евгеньевна; Voroncova Alena Evgenevna
2021Issues of legal regulation of the formation of real estate as subject to corporate property taxАбрамова Дарья Игоревна; Abramova Dara Igorevna
2019Legal issues of tax control of withholding agentsЗайчикова Ольга Михайловна; Zajcikova Olga Mihajlovna
2018Legal problems of paying VAT when providing services in electronic formТарасевич Сергей Валерьевич; Tarasevich Sergey
2022The legal regime of most favored nation for an investor in the framework of budgetary and tax policy in the Russian FederationРябов Андрей Валериевич; Rabov Andrej Valerievic
2024Legal regime of tax benefits for religious organizationsСемашкин Александр Владимирович; Semaskin Aleksandr Vladimirovic
2016Legal regulation issues of VAT compensation based on the results of documentary tax auditsМухамедьярова Алина Фаритовна; Mukhamediarova Alina
2016Legal regulation of defining the object of taxation and determining the tax base in respect of specific types of immovable property of companiesТерешкевич Богдан Вячеславович; Tereshkevich Bogdan
2018Legal regulation of the revenue taxation of banking institutionsАфанасьева Ксения Александровна; Afanaseva Kseniia
2022Problems of application of Article 54.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in the qualification of unjustified tax benefits.Пятова Дарья Сергеевна; Patova Dara Sergeevna
2018Simplified system and general regime of taxation: the legal challenges of transitionЩукина Мария Александровна; Shchukina Mariia
2024Tax consequences of invalid transactionsПепеляев Глеб Андреевич; Pepelaev Gleb Andreevic