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Результаты 1 по 13 из 13
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019The African dimension of European Union humanitarian policy in 2010–2019Широкая Анастасия Вячеславовна; Sirokaa Anastasia Vaceslavovna
2024"Blurring" phenomenon of neutrality policy: the case of Swiss ConfederationБоева Софья Никитична; Boeva Sofa Nikiticna
2018Effects of the European migration crisis on the Republic of Austria and prospects of its resolutionШустова Анна Олеговна; Shustova Anna
reviewSV_Kasatkin_IO_bak_rec_2.jpg.jpg2017Foreign policy of Switzerland at the present stage: priorities and challengesКасаткин Илья Олегович; Kasatkin Ilya
2017Gender approach to foreign policy in the 21st-century SwedenЖигалева Юлия Евгеньевна; Zhigaleva Iuliia
2017Historical memory as a factor in the modern Poland–Germany and Russia–Poland relations: A comparative analysisСухинина Софья Александровна; Sukhinina Sofia
2018Immigration policies of Sweden, Denmark and Norway in the 21st century: A comparative studyЧукалова Надежда Сергеевна; Chukalova Nadezhda
2016Influence of the Ukrainian crises on Russian-German relationsСарапулова Наталья Анатольевна; Sarapulova Natalia
2023Military-Political Dimension of the Arctic Policy of Sweden, Finland and Denmark in the 21st CenturyНенашева Анастасия Евгеньевна; Nenaseva Anastasia Evgenevna
2018Public diplomacy of Sweden in the period from 1945 to 2017: Trends, factors, prospectsЛушникова Людмила Антоновна; Lushnikova Liudmila
2020Reforming the higher education systems of Russia and Germany in the context of the Bologna process: challenges and prospectsБелкина Елизавета Андреевна; Belkina Elizaveta Andreevna
2019Russian-Swedish economic cooperation in the Northwestern Federal District in 2014-2018Плутов Леонид Евгеньевич; Plutov Leonid Evgenevic
2021The strategic and project levels of cross-border cooperation between Russia and the European Union: similarities and differencesТарасова Анастасия Сергеевна; Tarasova Anastasia Sergeevna