Browsing by Author Никонов Сергей Борисович

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016The "Arab Spring" in Spanish mass mediaСаяпина Мария Игоревна; Sayapina Maria
2018Armed conflicts of the post-Soviet space in the Russian mass mediaБойченко Иван Андреевич; Boychenko Ivan
2017Characteristics of contemporary Uzbek media marketЮсупова Дана Курбанджановна; Yusupova Dana
2017Characteristics of news during terrorist attacks: The experience of FranceДжа Камилла Фархадовна; Dzha Kamilla
2018Chinese philosophy of daily tabloids: A case study of The Southern Metropolis DailyЛю Хуань; Liu Huan
2018The concept of the New Silk Way in the world mass mediaУмайэр Алимуцзян; Wumaier Alimujiang
2017Current international events coverage in Chinese regional pressЛю Литун; Liu Litong
2018The development of China's online sector in accordance with the 12th Five Year PlanЛи Ихэ; Li Yihe
2017Dissemination of political information in mass media of the Kingdom of ThailandХарун Даракорн; Harun Darakorn
2017Information security and necessity of counterterrorism efforts: A case study of mass media of the People's Republic of ChinaМа Цзюньцин; Ma Junqing
2016The largest sports competitions in the mass media of ChinaЧжан Тяньдинь; Zhang Tianding
2017Migration issues in print publications of Great BritainПопова Виктория Константиновна; Popova Viktoriia
2018The modern media landscape of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous regionЮй Цюжу; Yu Qiuru
2017National characteristics of news in the press of the People's Republic of ChinaЛю Дамин; Liu Daming
2018National propaganda organs in Chinese mass media content creationСин Чэн; Xing Cheng
2017The oil market in foreign mass mediaШвыркова Анна Алексеевна; Shvyrkova Anna
2017Peacekeeping function of mass media: A case study of the Ukraine events from 2013 to 2016Браткова Евгения Александровна; Bratkova Evgenia
2017The role of mass media of the People's Republic of China in solving social problemsЧжан Давэй; Zhang Dawei
2018Russia on the agenda of the daily press of ItalyТопорова Ксения Леонидовна; Toporova Kseniia
2016The Scandinavian model of a contemporary publicationЧапко Дарья Дмитриевна; Chapko Daria