Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Митрофанова Ольга Александровна

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Результаты 1 по 18 из 18
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Automatic detection of hidden communities in the texts of the Russian social network corpusМамаев Иван Дмитриевич; Mamaev Ivan Dmitrievic
2021Automatic identification of topics associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian-language social media corpusСмирнова Владлена Дмитриевна; Smirnova Vladlena Dmitrievna
2018Automatic paraphrases recognition in the text corpus of Russian languageРощина Наталия Юрьевна; Roshchina Nataliia
2016Automatic retrieval of quantitative information from a Russian-language text corpusХарабет Якуб Константинович; Charabet Jakub
2023Automatic text simplification of Russian language law texts using factual information extractionКовалев Роман Андреевич; Kovalev Roman Andreevic
2017Automatic text style identification in terms of statistical parametersДубовик Анна Романовна; Dubovik Anna
2016Clusterisation of verbal expressions in a text corpus using the stochastic ranking methodБукия Григорий Теймуразович; Bukiia Grigorii
2017Corpus pattern analysis as a tool for semi-automatic identifying of meanings and valencies of Russian verbsГодгильдиева Мария Михайловна; Godgildieva Mariia
2021Experimental study of methods for automatic key words extraction in the corpora of Russian-language textsГаврилик Дарья Александровна; Gavrilik Dara Aleksandrovna
2021Functional semantics and the linguistic functions of hashtags in Russian Internet-discourseЦзя Цзыци; Cza Czyci
2023Language model fine-tuning with specialised corporaГудков Вадим Вадимович; Gudkov Vadim Vadimovic
2022Linguistic information extraction from social media for cryptocurrency trend predictionКарташовс Романс; Kartasovs Romans
2022Multimodal topic modelling of multilingual corpora of socio-political textsПетрицкая Ева Олеговна; Petrickaa Eva Olegovna
2023Parameters of lexical constructions in predictive language models for RussianПетрушенко Лада Сергеевна; Petrusenko Lada Sergeevna
2017Representation of syntactic relations in the NLTK4RUSSIAN linguistic processorМосквина Анна Денисовна; Moskvina Anna
2017Research and computer-aided modelling of language in online role-playing gamesЧакирова Ксения Александровна; Chakirova Ksenia
2017Topic modelling of Russian texts based on lemmata and lexical constructionsСедова Анастасия Георгиевна; Sedova Anastasiia
2016Translation concordance: Search and ranking of contexts for illustrating translations in a machine dictionaryПротопопова Екатерина Владимировна; Protopopova Ekaterina