Browsing by Author Марьина Людмила Петровна

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Blog as an instrument of professional journalistic communication: The Russian and foreign experienceМаташина Дарья Олеговна; Matashina Daria
2016Cross-cultural interaction on the Russian radioБелякова Анна Олеговна; Beliakova Anna
2016Cultural and educational activity of mass media in ChinaБао Лань; Bao Lan
2016The culture rubric in the information agencies' news feedСмирнова Александра Сергеевна; Smirnova Aleksandra
2017Environmental journalism as an instrument of political influenceСидорова Маргарита Сергеевна; Sidorova Margarita
2018Flashpoint photo story: The impact potentialЛарионова Маргарита Алексеевна; Larionova Margarita
2018Gender violence in mass mediaГафарова Арина Ринатовна; Gafarova Arina
2017Intellectual glossy publications: The creative priorities of fashion journalismКолпикова Полина Владимировна; Kolpikova Polina
2018Journalism in culture: The Chinese experienceЧжан Цитун; Zhang Qitong
2016Journalism of China in social and cultural dynamics: 2000-2014Е Цзявэнь; Ye Jiawen
2017Personification of lifestyle journalismКочурова Арина Владимировна; Kochurova Arina
2018Promotion of cultural values among youth in network mediaМихайленко Анна Валерьевна; Mikhailenko Anna
2017The Russian game television in the context of social and cultural transformationДубровина Юлия Анатольевна; Dubrovina Iuliia