Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Маркушина Наталья Юрьевна

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The activity of non-governmental organizations in the ArcticЩетников Артем Григорьевич; Shchetnikov Artem
2020The Arctic region in the contemporary foreign policies of Nordic countriesКлиманов Никита Викторович; Klimanov Nikita Viktorovic
2018A comparative study of world politics in the Arctic and the Antarctic regionsКлиманов Никита Викторович; Klimanov Nikita
2017The Crimean issue: relations between Russia and the European UnionБахрина Анастасия Александровна; Bakhrina Anastasiia
2020The current state and prospects of the energy cooperation between Russia, Germany and the EU in the Nord Stream 2 projectБардин Георгий Евгеньевич; Bardin Georgij Evgenevic
2018Dialogue between Russia and the EU in the context of regional cooperationБондаренко Екатерина Владимировна; Bondarenko Ekaterina
2017The European Union and the development of Spanish statehoodФедосеева Ксения Станиславовна; Fedoseeva Ksenia
2019The European Union in the process of regionalization in SpainМоргошия Маргарита Симоновна; Morgosia Margarita Simonovna
2018External activities of European ethno-national regions: Challenges and prospects of Scotland, Catalonia and FlandersКагриманян Алексан Сергеевич; Kagrimanyan Aleksan
2023Formation of the policy of international organizations for the protection of women’s rights (on the example of the UN, NATO and OSCE)Лепетюха Екатерина Владимировна; Lepetuha Ekaterina Vladimirovna
2017The foundations of political and legal frameworks of innovative economy in Nordic countries: Challenges and prospectsАхмедов Александр Расимович; Akhmedov Aleksandr
2017Gender approach to foreign policy in the 21st-century SwedenЖигалева Юлия Евгеньевна; Zhigaleva Iuliia
2019Historical background to the formation of modern foreign policy contradictions between the Russian Federation and the Republic of EstoniaЗалужный Роман; Zaluznyj Roman
2019The immigrant integration policies of Russia and the EU: A comparative studyШаяхметова Анна Андреевна; Saahmetova Anna Andreevna
2020The influence of the sports industry on the brand of St. PetersburgЮрин Михаил Андреевич; Urin Mihail Andreevic
2017The interaction of the Republic of Korea with international organizations in healthcare in the early 21st centuryБэк Чевон; Baek Chaewon
2017International autoshows as a form of promotion of the German automotive industryКузнецова Александра Романовна; Kuznetsova Alexandra
2019International global city’s strategies in the sphere of international negotiation and its impact on the national image as illustrated by London, Paris and GenevaМкртчян Яна Арменовна; Mkrtcan Ana Armenovna
2017International tourism as a part of foreign cultural policy in modern FranceМалькова Юлия Романовна; Malkova Yulia
2020The issue of soft power development in RussiaЛепилова Лада Сергеевна; Lepilova Lada Sergeevna