Browsing by Author Крылов Алексей Алексеевич

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021The crystallisation mechanisms of authigenic carbonates in subaquatic environmentsГущина Александра Сергеевна; Gusina Aleksandra Sergeevna
2020The crystallisation of authigenic carbonates in catagenesis and their possible connection with hydrocarbonsУразмуратова Зарина Файзуллаевна; Urazmuratova Zarina Fajzullaevna
2022The features of formation of gas hydrates in Deryugin Basin, the Sea of OkhotskЮй Цзэнчжао; Uj Czenczao
reviewSV_Xalzagarov_M_P__rec.jpg.jpg2017Gas-hydrate content potential of the East Arctic shelfХалзагаров Максим Прокопьевич; Khalzagarov Maksim
2017Gas-hydrate content potential of the West Arctic shelfШишков Владимир Олегович; Shishkov Vladimir
2017Interaction of hydrocarbons and authigenic carbonates of Lake BaikalАтанязов Рустам; Atanyazov Rustam
2020Methane fluxes and gas hydrates of the Kara and Laptev Seas shelvesХудякова Екатерина Николаевна; Hudakova Ekaterina Nikolaevna
2017Modern sedimentation in Lake Baikal (the Selenga-Buguldeika region)Маковиз Арсений Михайлович; Makoviz Arsenii
2017Oil and gas potential of Devonian deposits of the Astrakhan gas-condensate fieldАнтонов Константин Антонович; Antonov Konstantin
2023The oil and gas potential of the first licensed area of the Tibeivis depressionПапаш Александр Дмитриевич; Papas Aleksandr Dmitrievic
2023The oil and gas potential of the second licensed area of the Khoreyverskaya depressionНуруллина Диана Маратовна; Nurullina Diana Maratovna
reviewSV_otzyv_recenzenta.jpg.jpg2018Specific features of sedimentation in the northeastern part of the Kara Sea in the late Quaternary periodКрицкий Даниил Романович; Kritskiy Daniil