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Результаты 1 по 6 из 6
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Formation of compound words in contemporary RussianЛи Шэннань; Li Sennan
2021Genre distinctive features of Russian job advertisementsХу Наньнань; Hu Nannan
2018Linguistic and didactic bases of teаching foreign students-philologists to use introductory constructions in Russian linguistic discourseАдамкович Вероника Андреевна; Adamkovich Veronika
2022Passive constructions in a scientific text (a study of modern methodological articles)Цзяо Ян; Czao An
2021Promotional videos of Russian and foreign higher education institutions in a communicative and pragmatic aspectЯновская Ольга Юрьевна; Anovskaa Olga Urevna
2018Teaching oral educational-professional speech of Russian to foreign students-philologist (advanced stage)Го Цзинюань; Guo Jingyuan