Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Корнев Владимир Николаевич

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Результаты 1 по 11 из 11
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Gordienko_I_S__rec_sogl.jpg.jpg2017Expressive evaluation in public opinion formation as illustrated by articles in Russian- and German-language mediaГордиенко Ирина Сергеевна; Gordienko Irina
2018Grammatical analysis of German language translations of subordinate clauses with the conjunction “that”: A case study of articles from resource DekoderЗарайский Алексей Сергеевич; Zaraiskii Aleksei
2016The influence of the German language system on the native tongue of Russian-speaking immigrantsБаймурзаева Буносир Батыровна; Baimurzaeva Bunosir
2018Lexical grammatical transformations in translation of German jokes into RussianЛисина Лилия Ильинична; Lisina Liliia
2017Lexico-stylistic aspects of translating diplomatic texts as illustrated by the websites of the Foreign Ministries of Russia and GermanyПономарева Евгения Валерьевна; Ponomareva Evgeniya
2017Linguistic means of stylisation and strategies of translating them into Russian: Evidence from the book "Das Baby: Inbetriebnahme, Wartung und Instandhaltung"Павлова Ангелина Викторовна; Pavlova Angelina
2018Linguistic tools of argumentation in scientific textsЖуравлева Екатерина Романовна; Zhuravleva Ekaterina
2021Specific features of subtitling as a type of film translation: A case study of the translation of the German film "The Lives of Others" into RussianКовдык Екатерина Викторовна; Kovdyk Ekaterina Viktorovna
reviewSV_20160530_200511.jpg.jpg2016Translation of automobile terminology as illustrated by a comparative analysis of German and Russian automobile advertisementsШилова Полина Александровна; Shilova Polina
2018Translation of board games rules from German into Russian: Grammatical and lexical aspectsМатох Ольга Андреевна; Matokh Olga
2016Translation of legal terms into Russian as illustrated by a comparative analysis of the German and Russian texts of Appendix 2 to the "Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organisation"Гуцу Юлия Эдуардовна; Gutcu Iuliia