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Результаты 1 по 10 из 10
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020An Analysis of the Influence of Value-oriented Cultural Components on the Development of Contemporary Taiwanese Sculptural ArtЛанских Александра Сергеевна; Lanskih Aleksandra Sergeevna
2016Chinese culture in modern St. PetersburgКрушинская Дарья Игоревна; Krushinskaia Daria
2020Deng Xiaoping's Cultural Policy in the Years of Reform and OpennessДжалилов Константин Таирович; Dzalilov Konstantin Tairovic
2016The history of women's head ornaments in ChinaЛитвинчук Алена Игоревна; Litvinchuk Alena
2020The Influence of May Fourth Movement Ideas on Female Images in the Works of Xie BingxinНарбутас Анастасия Валерьевна; Narbutas Anastasia Valerevna
2021Korean calligraphy as a cultural textРудакова Таисия Леонидовна; Rudakova Taisia Leonidovna
2020The Perception of the Russian Mentality by Representatives of the Chinese CultureСащенко Мария Васильевна; Sasenko Maria Vasilevna
2016The phenomenon of Maoism in Western cultureДийкова Вера Алексеевна; Diikova Vera
2016Sacralisation of Mao Zedong's image in ChinaСенина Марина Викторовна; Senina Marina
2016Women in the political culture of the Republic of China (Taiwan)Мелехова Наталья Максимовна; Melekhova Natalia