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2024Changes in the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region: from 1991 to presentАлексеев Александр Николаевич; Alekseev Aleksandr Nikolaevic
2021The current state of the armed forces in Indonesia: Future prospects and development of military-technical cooperation with the Russian FederationТравкин Павел Сергеевич; Travkin Pavel Sergeevic
2022The development of Buddhism in Siam (Thailand) in the second half of the 19th - first half of the 20th centuriesИгнатьев Михаил Алексеевич; Ignatev Mihail Alekseevic
2017The development of tools for efficient cooperation between the executive bodies of St Petersburg and the Vietnamese diasporaТепляшина Татьяна Юрьевна; Tepliashina Tatiana
2017The dynamics of Vietnam's foreign policy in terms of its relations with China, the USA, the ASEAN, and the Russian Federation: 2006–2016Москаленко Анна Михайловна; Moskalenko Anna
2021The history of the formation of Tantric Buddhism in ChinaИванова Ксения Владимировна; Ivanova Ksenia Vladimirovna
2024The ideological foundations of the political modernization of the PRC: A history of their formationБогомолова Юлия Валерьевна; Bogomolova Ulia Valerevna
2017The normalisation of relations between the SRV and the USA 1975–1995Смирнова Алиса Александровна; Smirnova Alisa
2021The Persian campaign of Peter I in the context of Russian-Turkish relations in the first quarter of the 18th centuryМихайлова Кристина Владимировна; Mihajlova Kristina Vladimirovna
2016Present-day tourism ties between Russia and VietnamДжусь Екатерина Игоревна; Dzhus Ekaterina
2017The set of economic factors affecting Vietnam's integration into regional and global marketsФедоров Родион Владимирович; Fedorov Rodion
2022Siam-China relations from 1782 to 1911: A historical analysisЦыремпилова Наталья Олеговна; Cyrempilova Natala Olegovna
2021Stratagem reception in the theory and practice of Mao Zedong's military-political activityРычин Александр Олегович; Rycin Aleksandr Olegovic
2017Territorial disputes between Vietnam and China in the South China Sea: Past and presentЛаисцева Анастасия Юрьевна; Laistseva Anastassiya
2024Thailand-China relations from 1975 to present: A historical analysisЦыремпилова Наталья Олеговна; Cyrempilova Natala Olegovna
2017Tran Hung Dao: A contribution to the art of warВовк Мария Сергеевна; Vovk Mariia
2021Turkish nationalism in the 1970sСтарова Дария Владимировна; Starova Daria Vladimirovna
2018Vietnam-China relations from 1979 to the presentКузьмин Павел Николаевич; Kuzmin Pavel
2017Vietnam–China relations in the first quarter of the 20th centuryРыженкова Анастасия Алексеевна; Ryzhenkova Anastasiia
2017Why has Thailand never been a colony?Мартела Дарья Игоревна; Martela Daria