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2022Burnout among employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation during the COVID-19 pandemicШацких Александр Александрович; Sackih Aleksandr Aleksandrovic
2022Characteristics of aggression in girls at risk of eating disordersКуликова Алена Владимировна; Kulikova Alena Vladimirovna
2016Level of psychological health and personality characteristics among people in difficult life situationsВоронкин Алексей Николаевич; Voronkin Aleksei
2016Psychosomatic manifestations under extreme sport loadКузнецов Дмитрий Андреевич; Kuznetsov Dmitry
2018Treatment compliance and cognitive disfunctions in patients with organic mental disordersБурова Мария Евгеньевна; Burova Mariia
reviewSV_word216.jpg.jpg2017Young adolescents in institutional care: motivation and representation of the self and inner circleЛеончик Алина Олеговна; Leonchik Alina