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2018Digital technologies as a factor of television formats development: A creative aspectГорбань Полина Викторовна; Gorban Polina
2018The doping issue in sport in television programmesКрупочкина Кристина Александровна; Krupochkina Kristina
2018Ethical and legal aspects of the drag abuse problem coverage: Case studies of federal channelsДашевский Даниил; Dashevski Daniil
2017Evolution of political radio broadcasting: A case study of the Ekho Moskvy radio stationsШтейнерт Иван Викторович; Shteinert Ivan
2017Information channels' identica in contemporary media spaceГрибова Тамара Тамазовна; Gribova Tamara
2017The interview method in television documentariesШклярова Анна Константиновна; Shkliarova Anna
2018Interview with a sports celebrity: The pragmatic and psychological aspectЧерняков Александр Андреевич; Cherniakov Aleksandr
2016A journalist's work in the radio project for children and youth: A case study of the "Inopeterburg" on the "Radio Rossii"Подвязкина Алена Владимировна; Podviazkina Alena
reviewSV_auxadeev2.jpeg.jpg2017Journalists in live broadcasts: Sports journalists on sports events. A case study of the Match TV channelАухадеев Владислав Максимович; Aukhadeev Vladislav
2016A man of art in documentariesЧертухина Мария Дмитриевна; Chertukhina Maria
2017National cinematography and its variety as reflected in Chinese journalismХуан Чао; Huang Chao
2018Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro: Russian and Foreign mass media discourseГайдаш Никита Александрович; Gaydash Nikita
2018A portrait interview: Television and network formatsОколотина Наталья Анатольевна; Okolotina Natalia
2018Post-war film journalism in the USSRКандинская Марья Алексеевна; Kandinskaya Marya
2017The Russian cinema shooting process on Russian television during the year of cinemaКалинина Мария Михайловна; Kalinina Mariia
2018School scandalous situations in mass media: An ethical aspect. A case study of the Life and MeduzaНеякишева Александра Романовна; Neyakisheva Alexandra
2016The screen image of extremal political events in contemporary media spaceГлебова Мария Алексеевна; Glebova Mariia
2016The screen image of politicians in Russian and foreign media as illustrated by Mikhail GorbachevКолесникова Кристина Сергеевна; Kolesnikova Kristina
2017Sport in travel journalismМалашенко Павел Максимович; Malashenko Pavel
2017Sports television in Russia: Development prospects. A case study of the Match TV channelПавлов Никита Алексеевич; Pavlov Nikita