Browsing by Author Захаров Виктор Павлович

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Automated sentiment detection of social media messages about political partiesМиронюк Елизавета Евгеньевна; Mironiuk Elizaveta
2018Automatic Lemmatization of Texts in the SCAT Corpus Based on Morphological AnnotationСипунин Константин Владимирович; Sipunin Konstantin
2017Corpus pattern analysis as a tool for semi-automatic identifying of meanings and valencies of Russian verbsГодгильдиева Мария Михайловна; Godgildieva Mariia
2021The development of the algorithm for alignment of prepositional constructions in the parallel Russian-Czech corpusПетрушенко Лада Сергеевна; Petrusenko Lada Sergeevna
2017Evaluation of automatic collocation extractionКурочкина Юлия Николаевна; Kurochkina Iuliia
2016Extracting term candidates for multilingual (English-French-Russian) dictionaries of termsПивоварова Светлана Сергеевна; Pivovarova Svetlana
2016Formal methods of compositionality in semantic modelsСоколов Константин Владимирович
2017Linguistic expert systems: Evidence from the Ingrian languageЧенцова Ольга Кирилловна; Chentsova Olga
2021National cultural distinct features of the concepts “state”, "nation", "empire", "power" in Russian and Chinese linguistic pictures of the worldЧжан Пэйлинь; Czan Pejlin
2021Parallel text alignment of prepositional phrases in Russian and their equivalents in Agglutinative languagesЭгервари Кристиан Эрик; Egervari Kristian Erik
2021Partial Markup for Modern Surinamese (Sranan Tongo)Кортегосо Виссио Николас; Kortegoso Vissio Nikolas
2018Scientific research complex of texts pre-processing and results post-processing in SketchEngine systemОгай Андрей Александрович; Ogai Andrei
2023Semantic analyser of verb-preposition constructions with the meaning of mathematical actions based on a model databaseКозлова Анастасия Дмитриевна; Kozlova Anastasia Dmitrievna
2017A sociolinguistic analysis of the social and political lexicon in Soviet newspapersКириллова Алена Олеговна; Kirillova Alena
2021The study of "Water supply" domain term system features using corpus-based method (in English, German and Russian)Новикова Александра Алексеевна; Novikova Aleksandra Alekseevna