Browsing by Author Ершова Светлана Сергеевна

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Chinese MusicЦуй Ян; Cui Yang
2019Colombia, the Forgotten LandКампос Росеро Хорхе Аугусто; Kampos Rosero Horhe Augusto
Fabio_Ramirez.jpg.jpg2021Colombia. Clash of civilisationsРамирез Мехиа Фабио Андрес; Ramirez Mehia Fabio Andres
2017Cultural traditions of China "Dance"Сюй Цзе; Xu Jie
2017Cultural traditions of China "Rural Life"Юй Чжэньюань; Yu Zhenyuan
2021The culture and traditions of China. The Terracotta ArmyУ Гуаньюй; U Guanuj
Mo_Pen_Uj_Tazelyj_trud._Sahtery.jpg.jpg2022Hard Labour. MinersМо Пэн Юй; Mo Pen Uj
Su_Czeuj.jpg.jpg2021Historical chronicles. Hong Kong 1949Сю Цзэюй; Su Czeuj
FBAAF14D_2720_451D_9DB6_9C1D01643E46.jpeg.jpg2022Hypatia. The first female philosopher, mathematician, astronomer and teacherКралина Светлана Максимовна; Kralina Svetlana Maksimovna
2019The image of the village of China. The home fireФэн Гуан; Fen Guan
VKR.jpeg.jpg2022Images of the Garden of Eden in different culturesВагнер Арина; Vagner Arina
IMG_7762.JPG.jpg2023The last shiftЦага Даниэл; Caga Daniel
E5581034_3372_42AA_A41D_40CBC9F914BC.jpeg.jpg2023Mogao CavesОуян Ваньюй; Ouan Vanuj
Suj_Czyi_3.jpg.jpg2021Multifaceted ChinaСюй Цзыи; Suj Czyi
WechatIMG156.jpeg.jpg2023The path to the templeЧэнь Банли; Cen Banli
2021Religious traditions of China. Ways to improveЧжан Хао; Czan Hao
2018Self-portrait set against the present timeВан Итин; Wang Yiting
Kultura_Tibeta_Vej_Panpan.jpg.jpg2022Tibetan cultureВэй Паньпань; Vej Panpan
2018Traditions of Chinese theatre art "The Puppet Master"Мэн Сянсян; Meng Xiangxiang
IMG_5750.jpeg.jpg2023WanderersСунь Байжу; Sun Bajzu