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2016Abiotic and Biotic Processes of Mineral Weathering in Tundra Soils on Ultramafic and Mafic Rocks of the Polar Urals, RussiaЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2018Acanthodians from the Silurian–Devonian boundary beds of Novaya Zemlya Archipelago, RussiaЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2016The De Long Islands: A missing link in unraveling the Paleozoic paleogeography of the ArcticЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2018Detrital zircon (U-Th)/He ages from Paleozoic strata of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago: Deciphering multiple episodes of Paleozoic tectonic evolution within the Russian High ArcticЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2015Detrital zircon ages and provenance of the Upper Paleozoic successions of Kotel’ny Island (New Siberian Islands archipelago)Ершова, Виктория Бэртовна
2019Detrital zircon record of the Mesoproterozoic to Lower Cambrian sequences of NW Russia: implications for the paleogeography of the Baltic interiorЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2016Devonian–Permian sedimentary basins and paleogeography of the Eastern Russian Arctic: An overviewЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2017Foraminifera from the carbonate cobbles and pebbles of Early Jurassic conglomerates of Franz Joseph Land as direct evidence of the existence of a Late Palaeozoic carbonate succession in the northeastern Barents SeaЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2019Glendonite-Like Carbonate Aggregates from the Lower Ordovician Koporye Formation (Russian Part of the Baltic Klint): Detailed Mineralogical and Geochemical Data and Paleogeographic ImplicationsЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2017Glendonites track methane seepage in Mesozoic polar seasЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2015Integrated provenance analysis of Carboniferous deposits from Northeastern Siberia: Implication for the late Paleozoic history of the ArcticЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2017Lithostratigraphy and Geochemistry of Upper Vendian‒Lower Cambrian Deposits in the Northeastern Baltic MonoclineЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2018Mineralogical–Geochemical Features of Ice-Rafted Sediments in Some Arctic RegionsЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2017New Data on the Basement of Franz Josef Land, Arctic RegionЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2015New data on Upper Carboniferous Lower Permian deposits of Bol’shevik Island, Severnaya Zemlya ArchipelagoЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2019New results of stable isotope and petrographic studies of Jurassic glendonites from SiberiaЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2017New U–Pb Isotopic Data for Detrital Zircons from Metasedimentary Sequences of Northwestern TaimyrЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2017The Provenance of Terrigenous Rocks of the Basal Horizons of the Uralides of the Baidarata Allochthon (Polar Urals) According to the U–Pb Isotope Age of Detrital ZirconsЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2019Provenance of the Devonian–Carboniferous clastics of the southern part of the Prikolyma terrane (Verkhoyansk–Kolyma orogen) based on U–Pb dating of detrital zirconsЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2015Results of U–Pb (LA–ICPMS) Dating of Detrital Zircons from Metaterrigenous Rocks of the Basement of the North Kara BasinЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна