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Результаты 1 по 8 из 8
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Comparative analysis of Russian /Chinese legal regulations in electric energy fieldЧжан Цзяи; Zhang Jiayi
2018Legal issues in the merger and acquisition of public corporations (comparative analysis of legal systems of the Russian Federation and the European Union)Галиева Ольга Сергеевна; Galieva Olga
2019Legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy) of developers in the Russian FederationГуцу Сергей Романович; Gucu Sergej Romanovic
2018Peculiarities of civil liability of medical organizations in the provision of paid medical servicesДружининский Александр Николаевич; Druzhininskii Aleksandr
2019Problems associated with invalidating decisions of companies' managing bodies under the Russian lawСоболев Александр Петрович; Sobolev Aleksandr Petrovic
2018Problems of legal regulation of alternative energy sources in the legislation of the Russian FederationМакаш Евгения Ержановна; Makash Evgeniia
2018Problems of legal regulation of technological accession to electrical networksНесмиян Иван Семенович; Nesmiyan Ivan
2017The ratio of different types of compulsory civil liability insurance for entrepreneursФилановский Евгений Леонидович; Filanovskii Evgenii