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2023African Dimension of French Foreign Policy under Emmanuel Macron. 2017-2022Чернов Сергей Игоревич; Cernov Sergej Igorevic
reviewSV_otzyv_ML_Kukarskih.jpg.jpg2020The challenges and prospects of African integration as illustrated by the African UnionКукарских Мария Леонидовна; Kukarskih Maria Leonidovna
reviewSV_otzyv_Pogorelova.jpg.jpg2020The conflict in Sudanese Darfur as a factor of geopolitical instability in the East African regionПогорелова Кристина Игоревна; Pogorelova Kristina Igorevna
reviewSV_otzyv_elavadi.jpg.jpg2022Egyptian-Russian relations and their impact on the Libyan crisisЭлавади Хосни Эмад Хосни; Elavadi Hosni Emad Hosni
reviewSV_otzyv_lu_vanfen.jpg.jpg2022Energy cooperation between China and Russia: political support, platform activities and priority projectsЛю Ваньфэн; Lu Vanfen
reviewSV_Polishhuk_A_A__rec.jpg.jpg2017The evolution of terrorism on the territory of the Republic of YemenПолищук Александр Андреевич; Polischchuk Aleksandr
reviewSV_recenziya-davletbaeva.jpg.jpg2018Experience in the formation and development of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC): 2010-2018Давлетбаева Диана Булатовна; Davletbaeva Diana
reviewSV_otzyv_nauchnogo_rukovoditelya-kostina3.jpg.jpg2017Foreign aid and African development: Problems and prospectsКостина Ксения Алексеевна; Kostina Kseniia
2016Foreign policy of Mongolia (1991 - 2014)Курбетьева Анастасия Олеговна; Kurbeteva Anastasiia
2024Germany's Economic Relations with the Global South: comprehensive analysis of trade and foreign economic policy of the Federal Republic of Germany at the present stageГрабарева Екатерина Юрьевна; Grabareva Ekaterina Urevna
reviewSV_recenziya-shestopalov4.jpg.jpg2017The hardline-policy of the Latin American states to combat drug trafficking from 1999 till 2016Шестопалов Михаил Вячеславович; Shestopalov Mikhail
reviewSV_otzyv-timofeeva.jpg.jpg2018Hausa legends of cities' and states' originТимофеева Юлия Олеговна; Timofeeva Iuliia
2024A historical-cultural study of the phenomenon of zeru zeru (albino) in East Africa: Evidence from the Swahili press and open sourcesСмирнова Ульяна Сергеевна; Smirnova Ulana Sergeevna
reviewSV_recenziya-zabanova.jpg.jpg2018The history of Sino-African cooperation in the field of railway transport development at the present stage (based on periodicals and the media)Забанова Екатерина Викторовна; Zabanova Ekaterina
2019The impact of the economic crisis of 2008 on the development of the renewable energy sector in SpainСамсоненко Елизавета; Samsonenko Elizaveta
2023Interactions of the BRICS countries in the field of energy in the context of the global trend towards decarbonization of economyЗеленович Елена; Zelenovic Elena
reviewSV_otzyv-pitelin.jpg.jpg2018International aspects of the fight against terrorism in the Federal Republic of NigeriaПителин Никита Олегович; Pitelin Nikita
reviewSV_otzyv_004Simeonidi.jpg.jpg2020The Iran-Israel conflict in the context of the regional security system in the Middle EastСимеониди Василий Семенович; Simeonidi Vasilij Semenovic
2020Modernism in the Islamic political thought: the evolution and formation of the discourseЕршов Всеволод Владимирович; Ersov Vsevolod Vladimirovic
reviewSV_recenziya-konovalova4.jpg.jpg2017National security policy of Paraguay after Alfredo Stroessner's dictatorshipКоновалова Ксения Александровна; Konovalova Ksenia