Browsing by Author Васильцов Константин Сергеевич

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018The evolution of Islamic education in Turkistan: Second half of the 19th - early 20th centuriesУмаров Абдувахоб Хусанбой Угли; Umarov Abduvakhob
2017Iran's armed forces under the Pahlavi dynastyСафаров Эмиль Тельманович; Safarov Emil
2020Muslim organisations in contemporary Germany: political and religious aspectsФедотов Евгений Игоревич; Fedotov Evgenij Igorevic
2018Old Method (Qadimist) schools and New Method (Jadid) schools in the 19th-20th century Central Asia and the Russian Empire: A comparative analysisКулахметов Наиль Джафярович; Kulakhmetov Nail
2018The role of the ideology of «Al-Muwafaqat fi Usul al-Fiqh» by Abu Ishaq Ibrahim b. Musa al-Shatibi in shaping the doctrine of Muslim minorities' fiqhХусаинов Дамир Тавфикович; Khusainov Damir
2017Russian compatriots as an actor of the Russian policy in Central AsiaСуджу Али Эмре; Sucu Ali Emre
2018Turkey's strategy in conflicts in Syria and Iraq in the context of the ideology of pan-TurkismЗубов Георгий Ильич; Zubov Georgy
2017Turkish schools in Middle AsiaАйвазян Рипсиме Артемовна; Ayvazyan Hripsime