Browsing by Author Афанасьева Наталья Андреевна

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Authors individual symbol meanings in language of novels by E. Vodolazkin and G. YahinaБасова Татьяна Сергеевна; Basova Tatiana
2022Complex occasional nouns in the lyrics of Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva, Vladimir Mayakovsky and Sergei Yesenin in comparison with Chinese poetry: Semantic-stylistic aspectВан Цзиншу; Van Czinsu
2018Contextual synonyms in the lexical set 'Nature' in the lyric poetry by S. Esenin: Lexicfal semantic aspectЛи Пэйвэнь; LI PEIWEN
2021Lexical means in speech characteristics of film characters (a case study of the animated franchise "The Three Bogatyrs")Пономарева Марина Викторовна; Ponomareva Marina Viktorovna
2018Lexical semantic group 'Pets' in advertising texts: Linguo-cultural aspectЧжан Цзяхао; ZHANG JIAHAO
2022Lexical-semantic group "flowers" in the poetry by Russian poetesses of the first half of the 20th century in comparison with the Chinese poetry: Semantic and stylistic aspectЛю Сяомань; Lu Saoman
2021Lexical-thematic group "Dishes of Russian cuisine" in Russian male and female poetry of the early 20 century: Semantic and stylistic aspectЧжан Тяньлян; Czan Tanlan
2017Poetical nomination of the plant kingdom in Sergei Yesenin's lyric poetry (against the background of the poetical nomination in the Chinese poetry of the early 20th century)Чжан Сяоцинь; Zhang Xiaoqin