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Результаты 1 по 17 из 17
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022The concept of FRIENDSHIP in the Japanese and Russian linguistic worldview on the material of phraseological unitsГолованова Ксения Артемовна; Golovanova Ksenia Artemovna
2022Drama in atom bomb literatureЛевицкая Полина Андреевна; Levickaa Polina Andreevna
2023Female characters in Higuchi Ichiyō's writingsКонстантинова Полина Сергеевна; Konstantinova Polina Sergeevna
2021Gairaigo (loan words) in newspaper and TV news in Modern JapaneseПетухов Антон Сергеевич; Petuhov Anton Sergeevic
reviewSV_Vorobeva_V__rec.jpg.jpg2017Gender issues in the works of Yuko TsushimaВоробьева Вероника Алексеевна; Vorobyeva Veronika
2022The image of the samurai in the Japanese cultureЛарикова Анастасия Павловна; Larikova Anastasia Pavlovna
2021The issue of translating medical terms from Japanese into RussianОстапчук Елена Константиновна; Ostapcuk Elena Konstantinovna
2022Japanese nationalism in the 21st centuryБредихина Виктория Евгеньевна; Bredihina Viktoria Evgenevna
2017Japanese neologisms as a mirror of world globalisation processesСалова Анна Юрьевна; Salova Anna
2017The Kagoshima dialect of the Japanese languageКизымишина Елизавета Игоревна; Kizymishina Elizaveta
2021Lexico-grammatical features of the online content in the Okinawan dialectКоленская Ирина Игоревна; Kolenskaa Irina Igorevna
2021Linguistic characteristics of Japanese texts on science and technologyЗарифов Искандер Рифкатович; Zarifov Iskander Rifkatovic
2017Members of the Lolita subculture: Their language and images in the context of Japanese popular cultureАндреева Дарья Вячеславовна; Andreeva Daria
2017Musical terms in the post-war Japan: A psycholinguistic analysisГурвич Влада Владимировна; Gurvich Vlada
2024"Negative emotions" as a lexico-semantic field in English and Japanese and its representation in "The Makioka sisters" by Tanizaki Jun'ichiroШаленная Татьяна Александровна; Salennaa Tatana Aleksandrovna
2022The study of Russian in Japan: From the 19th to the early 21st centuriesРахматуллин Илья Владиславович; Rahmatullin Ila Vladislavovic
2023Translating the fiction of the Japanese writer Hoshi Shinichi into RussianПсарева Анастасия Сергеевна; Psareva Anastasia Sergeevna