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2020The geological and petrographic characteristics of early Paleozoic igneous sedimentary rocks: a case study of the Atløyna island, NorwayЗубрицкий Артём Сергеевич; Zubrickij Artem Sergeevic
2020Korpijarvi gabbro-massif (South Karelia): geology, petrography and ore mineralisationТагирова Алина Рустэмовна; Tagirova Alina Rustemovna
2022Petrographical properties of alkaline-ultrabasic rocks of the Repojarvi massif, Northern KareliaЗубрицкий Артём Сергеевич; Zubrickij Artem Sergeevic
2017Reconstruction of terrigenous sedimentation conditions of the Lower Proterozoic sandstones of Karelia based on mineralogical and petrographic studiesБрюхова Екатерина Андреевна; Briukhova Ekaterina
2022The zircons from the Proterozoic residuum of the southern margin of Karelian cratonТагирова Алина Рустэмовна; Tagirova Alina Rustemovna