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Результаты 26 по 42 из 42 < назад 
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023The Role and Prospects of BRICS in the Global Economy: Participation in the Global AgendaУ Юэ; U Ue
2019The role of the New Development Bank and BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement in the international monetary and financial systemАндреев Кирилл Михайлович; Andreev Kirill Mihajlovic
2023The Role of the New Development Bank in the Promotion of International DevelopmentДилинуэр Ахэмайти; Dilinuer Ahemajti
2023Russia-China Relations in the New EraХуан Имин; Huan Imin
2023Russian Foreign Policy regarding the Conflict Settlement in the Nagorno-Karabakh CrisisФэррелл Стивен Дональд Виктор; Ferrell Stiven Donald Viktor
2022Russian-Chinese relations in foreign policy after Cold War: status quo and prospectsЛи Шэньжуй; Li Senzuj
2022Russian-Georgian relations in the post-Soviet space under the influence of the European UnionВурал Айтуг; Vural Ajtug
2017Russian-Turkish relations in the context of Turkish stream projectАлкасаров Сергей Николаевич; Alkasarov Sergey
2017Russia–China energy diplomacy in gas tradeУ Дэкунь; Wu Dekun
2020The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: the influence on the international systemТихонов Валентин Геннадьевич; Tihonov Valentin Gennadevic
2017Soft power in the foreign policy strategy of China and Republic of Korea: A comparative analysisКочерыжкин Михаил Александрович; Kocheryzhkin Mikhail
2017Sports diplomacyПлшко Михал; Plsko Michal
2020The US and European economic sanctions against RussiaЧжан Хайян; Czan Hajan
2017US foreign trade strategy at the turn of 20th – 21st centuriesСелезнева Елизавета Игоревна; Selezneva Elizaveta
2020The USA in today’s global and regional trade agreements: challenges and prospectsЧернова Елена Александровна; Cernova Elena Aleksandrovna
2023The use and dissemination of cultural symbols in the formation of China's national imageАбудуресули Нафейша; Abuduresuli Nafejsa
2020Verbal and non-verbal communication methods in negotiatingТургинеков Егор Викторович; Turginekov Egor Viktorovic