Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Ткаченко Станислав Леонидович

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Результаты 17 по 36 из 42 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The impact of sanctions against Russia on its investment climate and industrial policyКуркова Татьяна Михайловна; Kurkova Tatiana
2020The impact of the US capital on the formation of Canada's foreign policyОкатова Мария Сергеевна; Okatova Maria Sergeevna
2022The influence of the free-trade zone on the economy and relations between its member states: on the example of USMCAТретьякова Алена Сергеевна; Tretakova Alena Sergeevna
2019The influence of the Ukrainian lobby on the formation of Canadian foreign policyЧернозубова Алина Андреевна; Cernozubova Alina Andreevna
2017The methods of improvement the Russian arms export competitiveness in the Indian arms trade marketСкирюк Михаил Святославович; Skiriuk Mikhail
2024Migration flows and specifics of contemporary economic cooperation of the Russian Federation and APEC Countries: the case of Indonesia and SingaporeЧернышева Елена Дмитриевна; Cernyseva Elena Dmitrievna
2018Neoliberal trajectory in the GambiaМаннэ Абдуллай; Manneh Abdoulie
2019New horizons of economic cooperation of BRICS: Assessment of the most promising areasРомашко Екатерина Сергеевна; Romasko Ekaterina Sergeevna
2017Policy of the Troika: Labour market reforms in the PIIGS statesТаганова Анастасия Андреевна; Taganova Anastasia
2023The Role and Prospects of BRICS in the Global Economy: Participation in the Global AgendaУ Юэ; U Ue
2019The role of the New Development Bank and BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement in the international monetary and financial systemАндреев Кирилл Михайлович; Andreev Kirill Mihajlovic
2023The Role of the New Development Bank in the Promotion of International DevelopmentДилинуэр Ахэмайти; Dilinuer Ahemajti
2023Russia-China Relations in the New EraХуан Имин; Huan Imin
2023Russian Foreign Policy regarding the Conflict Settlement in the Nagorno-Karabakh CrisisФэррелл Стивен Дональд Виктор; Ferrell Stiven Donald Viktor
2022Russian-Chinese relations in foreign policy after Cold War: status quo and prospectsЛи Шэньжуй; Li Senzuj
2022Russian-Georgian relations in the post-Soviet space under the influence of the European UnionВурал Айтуг; Vural Ajtug
2017Russian-Turkish relations in the context of Turkish stream projectАлкасаров Сергей Николаевич; Alkasarov Sergey
2017Russia–China energy diplomacy in gas tradeУ Дэкунь; Wu Dekun
2020The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: the influence on the international systemТихонов Валентин Геннадьевич; Tihonov Valentin Gennadevic
2017Soft power in the foreign policy strategy of China and Republic of Korea: A comparative analysisКочерыжкин Михаил Александрович; Kocheryzhkin Mikhail