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Результаты 4 по 14 из 14 < назад 
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The Great Silk Road conception of the 21st century: "Geopolitical and geoeconomic aspects"Целоусов Кирилл Андреевич; Tcelousov Kirill
2017The issue of the Russian Far East’s integration into the Asia-Pasific regionЛюдоговская Екатерина Петровна; Lyudogovskaya Ekaterina
2016Keidanren in Russia - Japan Trade and Economic RelationsПолхова Екатерина Владимировна; Polkhova Ekaterina
2020The place and role of South Korean transnational corporations in the implementation of the Republic of Korea foreign policy (2013 - nowadays)Гладковская Дарья Андреевна; Gladkovskaa Dara Andreevna
2020The potential of connecting the gas pipelines and railway systems of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea in Russia’s turn to the East policy and South Korea's Nine Bridges initiativeШин Ёнгву; Sin Engvu
2018Problems and perspectives on Russian and ASEAN cooperationВонгсарой Сиринпа; Wongsaroj Sirinpa
2016The role of Korean defensive policy in peace making in the Pacific RegionМилославская Елена Владимировна; Miloslavska Olena
2019Russian fuel and energy companies and the EU gas market: Economic prerequisites and long-term prospectsПавлова Дарья Алексеевна; Pavlova Dara Alekseevna
2020The shipbuilding industry of the Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China: a comparative analysis of competitive advantagesКузьмина Алина Витальевна; Kuzmina Alina Vitalevna
2019The Socialistic Republic of Vietnam and the Republic of Korea: The Relations in 2011-2017Иванов Артем Андреевич; Ivanov Artem Andreevic
2023South Korean-Japanese relations through the prism of historical and territorial disputesБелкина Юлия Владиславовна; Belkina Ulia Vladislavovna