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Результаты 4 по 15 из 15 < назад 
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Frank Underwood's asides in the "House of Cards" series: The structural and pragmatic aspectsБолтова София Алексеевна; Boltova Sofia
2021Interpretation of mediatext using comparison-contrast analysis (a case study of English / Russian examples)Чжэн Цзыцзе; Czen Czycze
2016The language representation of a political standoff in the present-day British opinion-based discourseСметанина Ирина Александровна; Smetanina Irina
2017Language representation of emotions in modern art criticismЧередина Алина Юрьевна; Cheredina Alina
2018Language representation of national identity in British newspaper discourseРоманова Елизавета Сергеевна; Romanova Elizaveta
2022Language representation of Russian post-Soviet painting evaluation in Anglophone art discourseЧупахина Александра Олеговна; Cupahina Aleksandra Olegovna
2021Language representation of Scottish аrt in Anglophone art discourseСкопина Анна Андреевна; Skopina Anna Andreevna
2018Linguistic alignment at a syntactic level in confrontational communication on the InternetБажина Алёна Сергеевна; Bazhina Alena
2021Linguistic representation of the assessment of the Russian avant-garde in the English-language art history discourseИсмаилова Сара Пашаевна; Ismailova Sara Pasaevna
2023Literary concept "nature" and its language representation in the English novelsЛевченкова Маргарита Павловна; Levcenkova Margarita Pavlovna
2023Multimodality in the contemporary Anglophone art discourseКормушкина Ольга Вадимовна; Kormuskina Olga Vadimovna
2023Pragmatic aspects of the use of English modal verbs in business discourse and ways of their translation into RussianСобакинских Анастасия Игоревна; Sobakinskih Anastasia Igorevna