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Результаты 1-10 из 15.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
дек-2018Conceptual history of “capitalism”Sokolov, Evgeni G.; Naumova, Ekaterina I.
дек-2018The burden of freedom: The doctrine of subject in Thomas Carlyle’s worksLvov, Alexander A.
дек-2018Why beauty and why now? Historical perspectives of the contemporary discourse on beautyKvokačka, Adrián
дек-2018The positive philosophy by William Whewell: Between inductivism and apriorismKasavin, Ilya T.; Nikiforov, Alexander L.
дек-2018Researchers of popular religiosity: J. J. LensuChumakova, Tatiana V.
дек-2018The Eastern question in Russian publicism: From philosophy to politicsTumanian, Tigran G.
дек-2018Drug users as a party and aim to the conflict between state and illicit marketSunami, Artem N.; Kryukova, Kseniya V.
дек-2018Media policies and aestheticsSavchuk, Valery V.
дек-2018Karl Marx and problem of humanismDudnik, Sergei I.
дек-2018The ultimate foundation of religionZabiyako, Andrey P.