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Результаты 31-40 из 77.
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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
июн-2018Bogdanov N. N. “Crimean Territorial Government” [1919]Puchenkov, A. S.
июн-2018The Third Front in the Russian Civil War: Bag People Breaking Blockade of the Village by the BolsheviksDavydov, A. Yu.
июн-2018Which Army Should the Population Feed during the Civil War? (The Attitude of the Population of the Arkhangelsk Province to the Whites and the Reds)Troshina, T. I.
июн-2018‘“What Have We fought For?”: The Heroes of the Civil War in “the Intoxication of the NEP”Ulyanova, S. B.; Sidorchuk, I. V.
июн-2018Several Theoretical Problems during the Preparation of the History of the Civil War and its Various Solutions (1930– 1935)Iroshnikov, M. P.; Zelenov, M. V.; Brandenberger, D.; Pivovarov, N. Yu.
июн-2018Symbols of the October Revolution and Their Metamorphoses in the Commemorative Postal Stamps in RSFSR, USSR and Russian FederationMetelkin, E. N.; Sokhor, T. E.
сен-2018Socialism in the Tundra: Nenets-Nomads of Yamal on the Waves of Soviet Northern Policy in the 1930–1980sKarpov, V. P.; Gavrilova, N. Yu.; Gerasimova, G. I.
сен-2018The protest moods of the Don Cossacks and the repressive state policy of the late 1920s — 1930sBaranov, A. V.; Rvachyova, O. V.
сен-2018Religious Motif of Perception of the Balkan Wars of 1912–1913 and Russian MuslimsGusev, N. S.
сен-2018“Lessons of October”: Problems of Scientific Understanding and Historical Memory of the Russian Revolution of 1917Porshneva, O. S.; Ulyanova, S. B.