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dc.contributor.authorSaifitdinova, Alsu-
dc.contributor.authorKoshel, Elena-
dc.contributor.authorVishnevskaya, Maria-
dc.contributor.authorGalkina, Svetlana-
dc.identifier.citationSaifitdinova, A., Koshel, E., Vishnevskaya, M., and Galkina, S. 2017. Celebrating the Jubilee of Elena Gaginskaya — the founder of the Lampbrushology School in Saint Petersburg University. Bio. Comm. 62(3): 159–164.en_GB
dc.description.abstractElena Gaginskaya is an outstanding scientist, doctor of biological sciences, professor, international expert, creator of the first core facility at St. Petersburg State University, and the founder of the Lampbrushology Scientific School. She celebrates her 85th birthday this year. Students, colleagues and friends congratulate Elena with all their hearts on her jubilee, and mark their devotion to her with this publication.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesBiological Communications;Volume 62; Issue 3-
dc.subjectElena Gaginskayaen_GB
dc.subjectlampbrush chromosomesen_GB
dc.titleCelebrating the Jubilee of Elena Gaginskaya — the founder of the Lampbrushology School in Saint Petersburg Universityen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 3

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