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dc.contributor.authorGaivoronskiy, Ivan V.-
dc.contributor.authorNichiporuk, Gennadiy I.-
dc.contributor.authorGaivoronskiy, Ivan N.-
dc.contributor.authorNichiporuk, Natalya G.-
dc.identifier.citationGaivoronskiy I. V., Nichiporuk G. I., Gaivoronskiy I. N., Nichiporuk N. G. Bioimpedansometry as a method of the component bodystructure assessment (review). Vestnik SPbSU. Medicine, 2017, vol. 12, issue 4, pp. 365–384.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe analysis of the modern literature concerning the opportunities of the method of analyzing bioimpedance in assessment of component body structure is presented in the review. A short historic account of the emergence and development of bioelectrical impedance analysis is given in various fields of medicine. The key parameters estimated by this method among which are the amount of liquid in an organism, body weight index, rate of the main exchange, osseous and fatty masses, level of physical development and others, and also their reference values depending on gender and age are reflected. The main characteristics of bioimpedance analysis are provided along with a comparative assessment of bioimpendance analysis and anthropometry. The types of equipment used for carrying out research and the differences among them are described. Indications and contraindications for this method, and also the technique and technology of its performance are formulated. The scope of bioimpedance analysis is reflected in medicine and anthropological research. Differences of sex and age in component body structures are determined by somatotyping that employs a method developed by the researchers. The role of bioimpedance analysis as a method which is a cornerstone of preventive and predictive medicine is emphasized. This thus indicates the need to carry out additional laboratory and functional research in order to arrive at new tactics of treatment and health maintenance. Refs 39.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Medicine;Volume 12; Issue 4-
dc.subjectfatty weighten_GB
dc.subjectbody weight indexen_GB
dc.subjectcomponent structureen_GB
dc.subjectosseous weighten_GB
dc.subjectmuscle bulken_GB
dc.subjectmain exchangeen_GB
dc.subjectphysical developmenten_GB
dc.subjectelectric impedanceen_GB
dc.titleBioimpedansometry as a method of the component bodystructure assessment (review)en_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 4

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