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dc.contributor.authorKazanskaya, Maria N.-
dc.identifier.citationKazanskaya M. N. Autumn Dreams: Servius on Aen. 6, 282–284. Philologia Classica 2017, 12(2), 142–153.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe paper examines an ancient superstition evoked in Servius’ commentary (Serv. ad Aen. 6, 284); Servius mentions that, according to a certain authority on dreams, visions seen in the autumn months are particularly untrustworthy. The first part of the article reviews other references to this popular belief (Plut. Quaest. conv. 8, 10, 734d–736b; Alciphr. Ep. 2, 2; Basil. Ep. 207, 1). The second part attempts to reconstruct the reasoning of the authority that Servius had used (qui de somniis scripserunt) and at the same time to distinguish Servius’ own view on the matter. It is shown that, although the remark on the unreliability of autumn dreams in itself is of little pertinence to the understanding of Virgil’s text, it is part of a larger, fairly elaborate exegetical tradition that sought to establish a connection between Aen. 6, 282–284 and 6, 893–898.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPhilologia Classica;Volume 12; Issue 2-
dc.subjectgates of dreamsen_GB
dc.subjectancient superstitionsen_GB
dc.subjectSt. Basilen_GB
dc.subjectAristotle on dreamsen_GB
dc.subjectDemocritus on dreamsen_GB
dc.titleAutumn Dreams: Servius on Aen. 6, 282–284en_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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