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dc.contributor.authorInge-Vechtomov, S.G.-
dc.contributor.authorИнге-Вечтомов, С.Г.-
dc.identifier.citationИнге-Вечтомов С.Г. Принцип поливариантности матричных процессов // Исследования по генетике. 1976. Вып. 7, с. 3-19en_GB
dc.description.abstractA feature which is common for all template processes in the cell is their ambiguity. We formulate some general "ambiguity principle" (princip polivariantnosti - in Russian): Ambiguity of every template process is result of and prerequisite for existence of living systems. Elementary expression of ambiguity is in accordence with elementary units of the corresponding process: in replication and transcription it is reading of single nucleotides, meanwhile in translation - both in reading of single nucleotides and trinucleotide codones. Besides that in all instances one may look for ambiguity in reading of single nucleotides, meanwhile in translation - both in reading of single nucleotides and trinucleotides codones. Besides that one may look'for ambiguity in reading of sygnals which separate replicons, scriptons and genes. Replication ambiguity is a source of spontaeneos mutations and of material for natural selection and evolutionary process. Some general considerations and the facts concerning the possibility of reading through the termination signals in bacteriophages permit one conclude that transcription is also ambiguios. Translational ambiguity expresses itself with frequency which is determined genetically and depends on environment. The elevation of ambiguity level in translation (and possibly in transcription) should couse variation of polipeptydes being synthesized under the control of all genes of the cell. This may serve for widening of norm of reaction of cell and consequently help latter to take chances for nonspecific adaptation in extraordinary environment. Accumulation of mutations in genes controling template processes may serve as a source of ambiguity. Sometimes being neutral in optimal environment these mutations may express themselves in amplification of ambiguity in extraordinary environment. It is possible to study the genetic determination of ambiguity level in nonsense translation in different conditions. In this connection experiments of S.Phillips and others with E.coli and our experiments with yeast are being discussed. It is possible to assume that all template processes and all correspooding multyenzyme complexes originated from the same common predecessor and so they are philogenetically relative. From this point one may suggest that some common proteins or peptides take part in different template processes. The structure of replicase of Qᵦ bacteriophage serves as an argument for such possibility. If some proteins are involved in different template processes than change in precision of one template process may lead to change in precision of another.en_GB
dc.description.abstractПредпринята попытка рассмотреть с единых позиций три матричных процесса: репликацию, транскрипцию, трансляцию. Сформулирован принцип поливариантности, согласно которому неоднозначность матричных процессов имеет адаптивное значение. Высказано предположение о филогенетическом родстве всех матричных процессов в клетке. Рассмотрена возможность существования белков или пептидов, принимающих участие одновременно в нескольких матричных процессах. Приведены примеры, подтверждающие такую точку зрения. Отмечено, что существование "универсальных" компонентов матричных процессов позволяет рассматривать единые факторы наследственной и ненаследственной изменчивости.en_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesИсследования по генетике;-
dc.subjectmatrix processesen_GB
dc.titleAn ambiguity princip in matrix processesen_GB
dc.title.alternativeПринцип поливариантности матричных процессовen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 7

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