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dc.contributor.authorFedorov, V.S.-
dc.contributor.authorSmirnov, V.G.-
dc.contributor.authorSosnikhina, S.P.-
dc.contributor.authorФедоров, В.С.-
dc.contributor.authorСмирнов, В.Г.-
dc.contributor.authorСоснихина, С.П.-
dc.identifier.citationФедоров В.С., Смирнов В.Г., Соснихина С.П. Некоторые итоги исследований по частной генетике ржи // Исследования по генетике. 1971. Вып. 4, с. 117-133en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe frlicle comprises a review of data from the literature its well as the results of saidies in rye genetics performed at the Department of Genetics of Leningrad University. The methods are described which have been used in performing genetic analysis. Over 15 genes are discovered which control anthocyanins in plant and aleurone of a seed. waxy bloom, spring or winter type of growth, branched type of ear, dwarfness, liguleless condition, pubescence of outer glumes and chlorophyll deficiencies. Some data are obtained about the linkage of several genes in rye.en_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesИсследования по генетике;-
dc.subjectwaxy bloomen_GB
dc.titleOn the results of genetic studies in ryeen_GB
dc.title.alternativeНекоторые итоги исследований по частной генетике ржиen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 4

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